Monday, March 11, 2013

(ENG) Wednesday March 6, FICG

I headed to Zapopan today, I had never been to either Zapopan, or to MAZ (Museo de Arte, Zapopan) the contemporary art museum. I was astounded by the huge zócalo and the Basilica of our Lady of Zapopan.

More selections from  Premio Maguey: This time Programma Div.A, which included lots of animations from all over the world with GLBT and queer themes. I really liked ANYTHING by Lisa T. (also Lasse Persson). Here is Bikini:

ABSOLUTELY brilliant and fabulous. Here's the web site from Swedish Ecstasy Film:

I also really enjoyed a Mexican queer short called De Genero Humano. So lucky, it is on Vimeo.

And another mexican short 5 razones por qué salir del closet con tu madre fue buena (mala) idea
(5 reasons why coming out to your mother was a good/bad idea). All in Spanish, but totally priceless.

Then I went to the Iberian shorts (Program 5) in Cineforo back in the Centro. A hair raising bus ride later, i was there in time!
Musica para despuis de dormir directed by Nicolás Rojas (Music for after sleep)

It's so so so's not on vimeo or youtube. so here's a link to the description in Spanish.,68471/

and the FICG description in English.

composed of Mixteca actors, shot in the municipalidad of Tezoatlán, Oaxaca, Mé 35 MM film, it really is such a beautiful dreamlike piece about music, death and rebirth.

THEN.. i went to the very rumored about MEXICAN party..great music, beautiful location. I stayed til 2:30 am and the party was just getting started :-). Salsa, hip hop, cumbia Mexican style..and a few cheezy pop rock songs from the U.S. just to mix it up.

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