Monday, January 16, 2012

(ENG) La Lucha con Texto (DOS)

Any decision about translation reveals the subjectivity of the translators, and this text is no exception as we labor through it and struggle with which synonyms to use..although we have both read Victorian literature, there is always a moment where you wonder if you have used the right word, or are following the author's intentions. In addition, with Horacio Kalibang there are so many twists and turns in the plot that it is really important to get things right. (no spoilers!). I can't even imagine translating Borges.

One reoccuring theme is the use of "pariente" to be "relative". The burgomeister is identified as "primo""pariente" and "tio" (Cousin, relative, Uncle). "Uncle" only appears twice in the edition we are translating, "Cousin" is much more common. Yet it is still hard to tell the exact relationship between the narrator (Fritz) and the burgomeister Hipknock.

The language is very formal, so in some cases, we have used "Señor" but in cases where it is redundant, we have added "esteemed". I can provide some examples in this posting at a later time.

Ana has been a great help in working out the intricacies of verb tenses!! This text is very subtle, formal, and in many instances, the characters talk around things, not directly, so working out the verb tenses is a challenge.

-sam smiley

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